My name is Dooitze de Jong. I am twenty-nine years old. I’m of Dutch nationality and of Frisian heritage. I was raised in the Netherlands our family moved to South Africa in 2011. Eventually, I moved back to Europe in 2016 to study theology in Belgium. In 2021, I returned to the Netherlands. First to study, and in 2022 to work at Socires, an independent think tank in The Hague as programme assistant. Meanwhile I regularly preach at churches. I am passionate about culture, politics, jurisprudence and economics. I am experienced in media production and computer technology, of the latter mostly system management and repair.
In 2019, I graduated in Theology and Religious Studies at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven with a BA, and in 2023 for my master’s degree. I specialised in economic ethics and Bible Translation. To that end, I studied Translation Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and audited the course in Advanced Western Frisian at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).
I work at Socires as programme assistant for the policy programmes Rijnlands Denken en Doen (Rhineland Thought and Action) and Finance and the Common Good. I also work as a general assistant for events, communication and public relations. Socires focusses on bringing together societal stakeholders (government, corporations, co-operations, financials, labour unions, and others) in specific sectors to solve urgent and systemic problems together.
I regularly preach in English, Frisian and Dutch and plan to preach more frequently this year. If you would like to learn more, please send me an e-mail at dooitze@dooitzedejong.com. On my YouTube-channel you can find past services I led: youtube.com/@dooitzeyidejong. I look forward to hearing from you!
Other work includes Bible Translation into the minority language of Western Frisian and I help produce livestreams, and recordings of lectures, conferences and podcasts.